DIY Technology: QR Codes Quick Check

DIY Tech

Use QR codes to close the feedback loop for students. Follow these steps to create your own QR Code Quick Check.

(1)  Create a problem set and separate answer sheet. Save these documents somewhere linkable like your Google Drive or MBC library.

(2)  Create video tutorials for students who need re-teaching/remediation*.

(3)  Create an extension question/challenge question for students who master the skill early.

(4)  Link the answer sheet and tutorials to QR codes.

(5)  Create the handout and paste in the QR codes.

(6)  Assign students practice problems. When students finish their work, they should check their work by scanning the QR code. Students who get the answer(s) wrong can the QR code to watch a tutorial video.

* Use a webcam or screencast tool like Jing TM, SnagitTM, or Screencast-o-Matic to capture your video. If you can find a pre-existing tutorial on SchoolTube or elsewhere, link to it instead.

Check it out here!


Click here to download a pdf copy.
